No.6 팝업스토어, 뉴욕 더 셀렉츠 - CAVA LIFE

No.6 Pop-up Store, New York The Selects

2019. 11 CAVA LIFE 6th pop-up store <COVERED>

CAVA LIFE's sixth pop-up store was opened with the theme 'COVERED' in conjunction with New York's showroom <The Selects>. Artists with different backgrounds, including fashion, graphic design, tattoos, music, and video, presented a variety of results that reinterpreted their work into products surrounding the act of 'cover-packaging'. These objects with a new presence, where the shell, case, surface, decoration, or packaging itself are also the contents, are a medium that talks about our ‘now’ and are Cava Life’s suggestions on how to own works. The main attraction was the ability to order works displayed on site directly via mobile phone, as well as purchasing sound and video works drawn from a vending machine and visual pieces reborn as 'wrapper'.

📲 Mobile micro site Docent page for explanations of works and artists on site

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